Sports Coaching Session 60 Mins
Service Description
Be it an in the office session, in the gym, through Skype, or on a walk, this is a great session on a weekly cadence for an individual. Do you feel like you have the talent and skill set but it doesn't show during games or competitions? Do you have issue keeping that high level of focus and calm? My coaching style will help guide you to understand how your body communicates with you and what processes it is going through, examine thoughts both positive and negative to keep on the path towards our goal, and learn how to deal with the pressure of stress from major events by working with values.
Cancellation Policy
To cancel or reschedule please reach out to coaching.praha@gmail.com at least 24 hours before the session.
Contact Details
Žitomírská 744/26, Prague 10-Vršovice, Czechia
Palác YMCA, s.r.o., Na Poříčí, New Town, Czechia